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Tag: Osrs
Viewing 31 - 35 out of 374 Blogs.
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Glacor boots are top boots still. Barrow gloves are not very well anymore. They're hybrid gloves so they do have their uses, but if I were you I'd go for RS gold the TWW automated gloves (Static Pneumatic, Tracking, and Static). They're the gloves equivalent to Glacor boots. Amulet of fury is still an excellent amulet. It is it is the most efficient hybrid amulet in fact. If you've got money to spend , it might be worthwhile to purchase a Saradomin... Read More
If you're planning to spend minimally (under 10 million) the set of Barrows armor and some lovely peripheries (fury, though that's not runescape gold necessarily the best) is still a great value for your buck. However, there are a few very nice things you should get. I'm going to assume that you've not been here for a long time. A rogue with a strange rapier. Very powerful one-handed melee weapon which you obtain after you have been dungeoneering f... Read More
Has anyone else noticed this? Could this be a ploy by Jagex to draw people's attention in making things (or simply to purchase their own clockwork cat)? If you pass away with a clockwork cat that follows you, does the cat that you have buy runescape gold created become to be a "stray cat" wandering around in that spot for a period of time instead of just disappearing the like most objects that are dropped (but what happens to people who die in this GE)? (... Read More
After getting hacked I only have 10 m cash left. I have worked on earning cash, but I'm trying to focus on college which means that RS will come to RS gold the bottom of my priorities. However, atm my current melee combat is: Helm of neitiznot, Amulet of Strength, Dragon platelegs, Fighter Torso. I was considering getting an Dragon platebody, to increase my defense or a DFS for defence, and a str bonus. Which do you suggest I go with and what is the reason? There are 9... Read More
Enjoy dying and Osrs gold having fun. You're an idiot. We keep saying that you won't last , but you insist you know more than individuals who actually offer you the guidance. Be there and another team will crash you and you will have wasted your $ (which you have) and time (which you will). Kthxbai.
It's all you can do in this thread in order to "prove" your idea (which is untrue and ineffective): Person A with better stats than you You tell him: "Well you probably don't know... Read More
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